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Ward Systems Group CEO Quoted in NY Times

Ward Systems Group CEO Steve Ward was quoted in a June 30, 2001, Business Section article of the NY Times entitled "Artificial Intelligence for the New Millennium, by Barnaby J. Feder. Mr. Barnaby's article was written to coincide with the release of the new movie Artificial Intelligence. Below are some excerpts, but if you want to read the complete article, follow this link to the NY Times website and enter the requested information.

Excerpts from the NY Times article:

For those wondering when artificial intelligence will truly take root, here's a bulletin: it already has.

Artificial intelligence is now a regular academic discipline. It is already embedded in many everyday products. And it helps businesses sort through and make sense of huge databases.

"Some technology managers still associate artificial intelligence with the hype of that era, said Steven A. Ward, founder and chief executive of the Ward Systems Group in Frederick, Md. Ward Systems began marketing a form of artificial intelligence software known as neural networks in 1988. Such products, which try to mimic human learning, make projections about, say, how markets will move or when a manufacturing process will break down.

"When engineers who want to buy the product tell us that terms like A.I. and neural network are raising red flags with their superiors, we tell them to call it multivariable nonlinear modeling," Mr. Ward said. "Their superiors won't have the foggiest notion of what it is, but it sounds traditional."

Advanced Neural Network Software for Financial Forecasting and Stock Prediction

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